Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Neighbour Chronicles My neighbour is crazy

Its been a while since I have posted... I have totally neglected this blog. Sorry! Anyways my neighbour is so freaking crazy. Its like 8.30pm really dark outside and she is outside washing her car for like 2 hours now. 2 HOURS! Who the hell takes that long to wash a car? It's not even a SUV or anything its a mid size honda. It doesn't even sound like she is close to finishing because I hear water splashing. This lady really irks the bejesus out of me. If I had a bebe gun... I am not going to finish it just incase. (use inference)...lol Crazy Crazy lady. I wouldn't have mind so much if she was quiet but she singing a toneless song. Crazy Crazy Lady!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Taking a New Direction: Kind of...lol

This blog was pretty much dedicated to me posting about random things that come to my mind. Now I think I am going to use it to keep me stay focus and finally complete things I started but never finished. I have a habit of starting things and leaving it left undone. A lot of the things I have to finish are pretty long term. But I have to start somewhere don't I? I will post more about this tomorrow. I am off to make a list of things I need to finish!