Welcome to my blog. I pretty much post whatever is on my mind at the moment. I hated writing in high school so don't judge my grammar..lol Happy reading
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I am starting to miss straight hair :(
Monday, July 19, 2010
5 Things that I am "afraid" of...
2. I am afraid of mouthwash. Well it's more that I am afraid of the idea of swallowing mouthwash. I do not ever gargle mouthwash because I have convinced myself that I am going to swallow it. Which will result in me burning my stomach out and eventually having internal bleeding because I forgot it wasn't something that I could swallow.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Teenagers are really funny...lol
Finish The sentence…
After I did mine, my boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to respond to it too. I think you will notice that he is just as obsessed with me as I am with him... The only thing I can say is "this dude"... (inside joke...lol)
•Right now I want... to be home with my girlfriend (Home being in a house of our own)
•I feel like... Some things just take too long, while others don't last long enough
•I hate it when... I do my best, am proud of myself, and others kicking my pride right back down
•I fear... I would end up being too busy with daily routines to not have time for what I want
•I'm lonely without... my girlfriend
•I'm hungry for... my girlfriend's cooking :D yum!
•I love it when... my girlfriend lays her head on my chest at night
•I'm listening to... my colleagues making phonecalls
•I'm wearing... an orange tshirt, jeans, black socks, white shoes
Finish The Sentence…
•I love... My Sir, My Family and My close and loyal friends
•Right now I want... find a career and direction for my life.
•I feel like... I am just drifting idly through life
•I hate it when... people chew with their mouths open… Damn that is annoying
•I fear... I won't find true fulfillment
•I'm lonely without... I can't say that I ever truly feel lonely
•I need... to get my life in order, take better care of myself, learn how and plan and follow through but most importantly I need to learn dutch!
•Today I... took a shower, ate lunch, went online and pretty much laid in bed… (exciting right?)
•Tomorrow I'm... probably do the same things I did today only in a different order
•I just... want to marry the man of my dreams (Sir) and be happy.
•I want to meet... There isn't anyone special that I want to meet.
•I'm hungry for... Egg Rolls (I used to hate these things now I crave them…lol)
•I love it when... Sir and I lay in bed together and watch a comedy movie
•I'm afraid of... nothing at the moment
•I'm listening to... one dutch program but I am about to change the station.
•I'm wearing... orange tee and gray jeans (Holland is playing in the World Cup today the Orange is in support of the team)
•I want to get... an HTC phone…lol
•I cant... imagine my life without Sir…
•I'm nervous to... age…
•I feel happiest when... I am with Sir. He really makes me feel special. He loves me for who I am…